Class Information and Weapons Tables

The last few days have been pretty busy, and I've gotten quite a bit done on the Illuminated Edition! I'd like to show a couple of previews of what I've been working on.

First up is the class details! Each class has three power groups; Darkness, Light, and Core. Each group has a passive, and players will choose one of these passives to start with when they first make their character. Additional passives can be unlocked through advancement. Additionally, each group has two powers that fit the theme: darkness powers tend to be focused on harming and torturing their opponents, light powers tend to focus on helping allies or controlling the battlefield, and core powers are generally useful for any build.

You'll notice the class descriptions in italics are pretty nasty. Player characters are called Beholders, and they were initially created as monsters within the dungeons. However, somehow or another they got "corrupted" by the light, and were able to exert their Will to free themselves from their evil shackles. The descriptions tell you what the Beholders were created to do, but their powers (especially their light powers) tell you what they're capable of becoming!

Next up is weapons and weapon tags! When characters are first made, and each time they enter the dungeon for another delve, they'll roll on the "Starting Weapons by Class" table to get a weapon. Then, they'll roll on the "Class Weapon Tags" table to see if their weapon starts with a class tag. These tags affect their powers, and it's possible to get a tag that affects a power you don't have yet; in that case, you can hold on to the weapon and unlock that power later on, or you can swap it out for a new one when you get some nice loot drops!

Speaking of loot drops, when random weapons are dropped during a delve, they'll come from the "Random Weapons" table, appropriately. Every time a weapon is dropped, it has a chance of having an additional tag, so you'll also roll on the "Random Weapon Tags" table. Each tag has a mechanical or narrative effect; defend gives you bonus armor, poison can deal additional damage, and siphon can give you Will points back on a successful hit.

While the starting weapons are divided into thematic fits for the classes, in the heat of battle, any character can use any weapon, allowing for mixing and matching and customizing builds. A Brute can wield a Wand and a Stalker can wield a Longsword. However, their class powers may connect better with certain weapons. A Stalker's "Overwatch" power, for instance, depends on weapon range, so it would be much more useful with a pistol than brass knuckles. Similarly, a Brute's "Cleave" power only works in close range, so it won't be much use if they're wielding a crossbow.

Characters can carry up to two weapons, though, so nothing's stopping a Brute from lugging a shotgun around for a bit of variety!

That's it for this preview! Thanks bunches to anyone who made it this far - sound off in the comments and let me know what catches your eye <3

- Harper

p.s. I lied, here's another preview; some art!

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