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This is a wonderful zine by a wonderful person. It reminds me frequently to do a lil emotions check in in a low stakes way, and I appreciate that it is in the world.

Thank you so much, you're so incredibly sweet love <3


It made me write my first journal entry for 2024.thank you<3

To add a funny anecdote: I think the PDF only works for letter format and not DINA4. It took me 10 minutes of folding to figure that out, and I don't know why, but I'm still giggling about my struggle :D 

But it's also the second Zine I've folded, so maybe I'm just confused :D 

It ended up like this and I'm almost sad that I fixed it by using the PNG :D

I hope this will make me remember this Zine and use it often<3 Great start:D

Thank you so much for the kind words, and I'm glad it got you to journal! Journaling is so important, and honestly I should take my own advice and use this Zine a bit more myself.

Also I didn't even think about the Letter/A4 formatting thing! Sorry for the confusion but I'm glad that you got it figured out lol. I appreciate the ingenuity XD We have so few paper types in America - like, almost everything is just Letter - so I forget about A4 often. 

Thanks again, this means so much :) <3

And thank you for the rating too <3 <3 <3


Beautiful, amazing, glorious! 

The world is a better place for this zine existing in it!


Oh my gosh thank you so much, that made my entire week!